Build Earthquake Catalog

In this final notebook, we read the matched-filter database, remove the multiple detections and write a clean earthquake catalog in a csv file.

import os
n_CPUs = 12
os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = str(n_CPUs)

import BPMF
import glob
import h5py as h5
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sys

from tqdm import tqdm
from time import time as give_time

NETWORK_FILENAME = "network.csv"
TEMPLATE_DB = "template_db"
MATCHED_FILTER_DB = "matched_filter_db"
DATA_FOLDER = "preprocessed_2_12"
# read network metadata
net = BPMF.dataset.Network(NETWORK_FILENAME)

Read the detected events’ metadata for each template

# template filenames
template_filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(BPMF.cfg.OUTPUT_PATH, TEMPLATE_DB, "template*"))

# initialize the template group
template_group = BPMF.dataset.TemplateGroup.read_from_files(template_filenames, net)
Reading catalog: 100%|██████████| 7/7 [00:00<00:00, 13.37it/s]

The BPMF.dataset.TemplateGroup now has a catalog attribute, which is a BPMF.dataset.Catalog instance.

<BPMF.dataset.Catalog at 0x7f9f414557b0>
longitude latitude depth origin_time cc tid
1.0 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 06:56:02.200 0.432075 1
3.0 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 06:56:02.280 0.289950 3
5.0 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 06:56:02.520 0.331015 5
2.0 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 06:56:02.560 0.404524 2
0.0 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 06:56:02.560 0.404524 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2.33 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 12:17:45.120 0.167869 2
0.33 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 12:17:45.120 0.167869 0
6.0 30.294482 40.628281 -1.517578 2012-07-07 15:26:15.080 1.000000 6
3.14 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 16:50:34.840 0.255224 3
1.31 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 19:23:20.560 0.146581 1

148 rows × 6 columns

Remove the multiple detections

Remove multiple detections with the TemplateGroup.remove_multiples method.

# DISTANCE_CRITERION_KM: Distance, in km, between two detected events (within uncertainties) below which
#                        detected events are investigated for equality.
# DT_CRITERION_SEC: Inter-event time, in seconds, between two detected events below which
#                   detected events are investigated for redundancy.
# SIMILARITY_CRITERION: Inter-template correlation coefficient below which detected events are investigated for equality.
# N_CLOSEST_STATIONS: When computing the inter-template correlation coefficient, use the N_CLOSEST_STATIONS closest stations
#                     of a given pair of templates. This parameter is relevant for studies with large seismic networks.
# we need to read the waveforms first

/home/ebeauce/miniconda3/envs/hy7_py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/BPMF/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  unit_direction /= np.sqrt(np.sum(unit_direction**2, axis=1))[
Computing the similarity matrix...
Computing the inter-template directional errors...
Searching for events detected by multiple templates
All events occurring within 4.0 sec, with uncertainty ellipsoids closer than 15.0 km will and inter-template CC larger than 0.10 be considered the same
Removing multiples: 100%|██████████| 148/148 [00:00<00:00, 2651.52it/s]
0.06s to flag the multiples

The catalog now has three new columns: origin_time_sec (a timestamp of origin_time in seconds), interevent_time_sec (template-wise computation), unique_event.

longitude latitude depth origin_time cc tid origin_time_sec interevent_time_sec unique_event
1.0 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 06:56:02.200 0.432075 1 1.341644e+09 0.00 True
3.0 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 06:56:02.280 0.289950 3 1.341644e+09 0.08 False
5.0 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 06:56:02.520 0.331015 5 1.341644e+09 0.24 False
2.0 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 06:56:02.560 0.404524 2 1.341644e+09 0.04 False
0.0 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 06:56:02.560 0.404524 0 1.341644e+09 0.00 False
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2.33 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 12:17:45.120 0.167869 2 1.341663e+09 245.44 True
0.33 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 12:17:45.120 0.167869 0 1.341663e+09 0.00 False
6.0 30.294482 40.628281 -1.517578 2012-07-07 15:26:15.080 1.000000 6 1.341675e+09 11309.96 True
3.14 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 16:50:34.840 0.255224 3 1.341680e+09 5059.76 True
1.31 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 19:23:20.560 0.146581 1 1.341689e+09 9165.72 True

148 rows × 9 columns

The final catalog is made of the unique events only.

template_group.catalog.catalog = template_group.catalog.catalog[template_group.catalog.catalog["unique_event"]]

Let’s add the location uncertainties from the template events.

for tp in template_group.templates:
    tid = tp.tid
    selection = template_group.catalog.catalog["tid"] == tid
    template_group.catalog.catalog.loc[selection, "hmax_unc"] = tp.hmax_unc
    template_group.catalog.catalog.loc[selection, "hmin_unc"] = tp.hmin_unc
    template_group.catalog.catalog.loc[selection, "az_hmax_unc"] = tp.az_hmax_unc
    template_group.catalog.catalog.loc[selection, "vmax_unc"] = tp.vmax_unc
/tmp/ipykernel_160176/ SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  template_group.catalog.catalog.loc[selection, "hmax_unc"] = tp.hmax_unc
/tmp/ipykernel_160176/ SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  template_group.catalog.catalog.loc[selection, "hmin_unc"] = tp.hmin_unc
/tmp/ipykernel_160176/ SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  template_group.catalog.catalog.loc[selection, "az_hmax_unc"] = tp.az_hmax_unc
/tmp/ipykernel_160176/ SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  template_group.catalog.catalog.loc[selection, "vmax_unc"] = tp.vmax_unc
print(f"There are {len(template_group.catalog.catalog)} events in our template matching catalog!")
There are 52 events in our template matching catalog!
longitude latitude depth origin_time cc tid origin_time_sec interevent_time_sec unique_event hmax_unc hmin_unc az_hmax_unc vmax_unc
1.0 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 06:56:02.200 0.432075 1 1.341644e+09 0.00 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
3.1 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 06:56:52.160 0.246272 3 1.341644e+09 0.04 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
1.2 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 07:07:45.440 0.403376 1 1.341645e+09 652.96 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
3.3 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 07:09:59.680 0.239296 3 1.341645e+09 133.84 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
0.3 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 07:10:12.440 0.257793 0 1.341645e+09 0.36 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
5.3 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 07:10:20.000 0.402187 5 1.341645e+09 7.56 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
5.4 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 07:10:39.160 0.377112 5 1.341645e+09 19.12 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
1.4 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 07:10:53.640 0.394400 1 1.341645e+09 13.60 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
3.4 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 07:11:07.280 0.681143 3 1.341645e+09 0.08 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
5.6 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 07:11:36.080 0.181182 5 1.341645e+09 28.52 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
0.8 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 07:12:06.200 1.000000 0 1.341645e+09 0.04 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
1.7 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 07:14:25.000 1.000000 1 1.341645e+09 138.80 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
1.8 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 07:15:44.880 0.183907 1 1.341645e+09 79.52 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
5.9 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 07:18:17.040 0.398268 5 1.341645e+09 152.16 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
0.11 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 07:22:16.240 0.178471 0 1.341646e+09 239.16 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
0.12 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 07:22:43.880 0.169656 0 1.341646e+09 27.64 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
3.6 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 07:23:08.320 0.491056 3 1.341646e+09 24.44 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
1.9 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 07:24:09.560 0.188800 1 1.341646e+09 60.96 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
5.11 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 07:24:34.000 1.000000 5 1.341646e+09 0.24 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
1.11 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 07:26:09.920 0.211587 1 1.341646e+09 95.88 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
1.12 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 07:27:21.560 0.244670 1 1.341646e+09 71.64 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
5.13 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 07:29:48.920 0.210121 5 1.341646e+09 147.00 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
3.8 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 07:34:42.600 0.424897 3 1.341646e+09 0.04 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
3.9 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 07:35:58.000 0.260982 3 1.341647e+09 75.08 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
3.10 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 07:39:17.400 0.202312 3 1.341647e+09 199.16 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
3.11 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 08:00:23.360 0.199350 3 1.341648e+09 1265.96 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
1.14 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 08:10:46.560 0.158986 1 1.341649e+09 623.20 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
0.17 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 08:15:48.880 0.246277 0 1.341649e+09 0.04 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
0.18 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 08:17:35.000 0.563850 0 1.341649e+09 0.04 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
1.17 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 08:30:27.240 0.218191 1 1.341650e+09 772.24 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
2.19 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 08:41:19.560 0.304813 2 1.341650e+09 0.08 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
1.19 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 08:45:27.600 0.225189 1 1.341651e+09 248.04 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
2.21 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 08:46:34.360 0.321005 2 1.341651e+09 0.08 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
1.21 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 08:47:00.560 0.407170 1 1.341651e+09 26.20 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
3.12 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 08:48:43.800 1.000000 3 1.341651e+09 0.08 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
5.21 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 09:10:00.600 0.390236 5 1.341652e+09 0.28 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
5.22 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 09:10:55.640 0.152766 5 1.341652e+09 54.96 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
1.24 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 09:20:12.080 0.693933 1 1.341653e+09 556.44 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
5.24 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 09:27:10.120 0.332328 5 1.341653e+09 417.68 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
1.25 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 09:42:13.440 0.206876 1 1.341654e+09 903.28 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
2.27 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 09:46:04.920 0.341435 2 1.341654e+09 0.08 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
5.26 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 09:59:27.240 0.186767 5 1.341655e+09 802.32 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
1.27 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 10:05:20.680 0.159305 1 1.341656e+09 353.36 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
4.0 30.316699 40.754688 0.285156 2012-07-07 10:16:39.800 1.000000 4 1.341656e+09 679.12 True 3.378762 1.691182 -143.772340 2.733743
5.27 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 10:41:34.400 0.335804 5 1.341658e+09 0.28 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
0.30 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 11:15:32.640 0.298780 0 1.341660e+09 0.08 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
0.31 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 11:23:41.520 0.385650 0 1.341660e+09 0.04 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
1.30 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 12:13:39.320 0.266582 1 1.341663e+09 2997.80 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
2.33 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 12:17:45.120 0.167869 2 1.341663e+09 245.44 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
6.0 30.294482 40.628281 -1.517578 2012-07-07 15:26:15.080 1.000000 6 1.341675e+09 11309.96 True 4.898208 2.005268 177.708818 3.423410
3.14 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 16:50:34.840 0.255224 3 1.341680e+09 5059.76 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
1.31 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 19:23:20.560 0.146581 1 1.341689e+09 9165.72 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751

Let’s plot these events on a map. You will see that there are far fewer dots on the map than the total number of earthquakes in our catalog… This is because all newly detected events are attributed their template locations. Therefore, most events are plotted at the exact same location.

fig = template_group.catalog.plot_map(
    figsize=(10, 10), network=net, s=50, markersize_station=50, lat_margin=0.02, plot_uncertainties=False
ax = fig.get_axes()[0]

Bonus: Relocate each events

In your workflow, you might be ok with the approximate locations of the template matching catalog. However, if you decide to keep refining the catalog, here are some suggestions to get started.

One possibility to start refining the locations of all events is to re-run the same process as in notebook 6, namely PhaseNet and NonLinLoc.

import tensorflow as tf

from BPMF.data_reader_examples import data_reader_mseed

# this is necessary to limit the number of threads spawn by tf
os.environ["TF_NUM_INTRAOP_THREADS"] = str(n_CPUs)
os.environ["TF_NUM_INTEROP_THREADS"] = str(n_CPUs)
2023-03-08 16:11:21.120889: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Could not load dynamic library ''; dlerror: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory; LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /usr/local/cuda-11.7/lib64
2023-03-08 16:11:21.120935: I tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/] Ignore above cudart dlerror if you do not have a GPU set up on your machine.
# PhaseNet picking parameters

# PhaseNet was trained for 100Hz data. Even if we saw that running PhaseNet on 25Hz data
# was good for backprojection, here, picking benefits from running PhaseNet on 100Hz data.
# Thus, we will upsample the waveforms before running PhaseNet.

# DURATION_SEC: the duration, in seconds, of the data stream starting at the detection time
#               defined by Event.origin_time. This data stream is used for picking the P/S waves.
# THRESHOLD_P: probability of P-wave arrival above which we declare a pick. If several picks are
#              declared during the DURATION_SEC data stream, we only keep the best one. We can
#              afford using a low probability threshold since we already know with some confidence
#              that an earthquake is in the data stream.
# THRESHOLD_S: probability of S-wave arrival above which we declare a pick.
# DATA_FOLDER: name of the folder where the waveforms we want to use for picking are stored
DATA_FOLDER = "preprocessed_2_12"
# COMPONENT_ALIASES: A dictionary that defines the possible channel names to search for
#                    for example, the seismometer might not be oriented and the horizontal channels
#                    might be named 1 and 2, in which case we arbitrarily decide to take 1 as the "N" channel
#                    and 2 as the "E" channel. This doesn't matter for picking P- and S-wave arrival times.
COMPONENT_ALIASES = {"N": ["N", "1"], "E": ["E", "2"], "Z": ["Z"]}
# PHASE_ON_COMP: dictionary defining which moveout we use to extract the waveform
PHASE_ON_COMP = {"N": "S", "1": "S", "E": "S", "2": "S", "Z": "P"}
# USE_APRIORI_PICKS: boolean. This option is IMPORTANT when running BPMF in HIGH SEISMICITY CONTEXTS, like
#                   during the aftershock sequence of a large earthquake. If there are many events happening
#                   close to each other in time, we need to guide PhaseNet to pick the right set of picks.
#                   For that, we use the predicted P- and S-wave times from backprojection to add extra weight to
#                   the picks closer to those times and make it more likely to identify them as the "best" picks.
#                   WARNING: If there are truly many events, even this trick might fail. It's because "phase association"
#                   is an intrinsically hard problem in this case, and the picking might be hard to do automatically.

# MAX_HORIZONTAL_UNC_KM: Horizontal location uncertainty, in km, above which we keep the template location

# location parameters

# NLLOC_METHOD: string that defines what loss function is used by NLLoc, see for more info.
#               Using some flavor of 'EDT' is important to obtain robust locations that are not sensitive to pick outliers.
# MINIMUM_NUM_STATIONS_W_PICKS: minimum number of stations with picks to even try relocation.
# we set a maximum tolerable difference, in percentage, between the picked time and the predicted travel time
events = {}
for idx, row in template_group.catalog.catalog.iterrows():
    tid, evidx =".")
    # get the template instance from template_group
    template = template_group.templates[template_group.tindexes.loc[int(tid)]]
    # this is the filename of the database where template tid's detected events were stored
    detection_db_filename = f"detections_template{tid}.h5"
    db_path = os.path.join(BPMF.cfg.OUTPUT_PATH, MATCHED_FILTER_DB)
    with h5.File(os.path.join(db_path, detection_db_filename), mode="r") as fdet:
        keys = list(fdet.keys())
        event = BPMF.dataset.Event.read_from_file(
            hdf5_file=fdet[keys[int(evidx)]], data_reader=data_reader_mseed
    # # attach data reader this way (note: conflict with data_reader argument in phasenet's wrapper module)
    # event.data_reader = data_reader_mseed
    # pick P-/S-wave arrivals

    if len(event.picks.dropna(how="all")) >= MINIMUM_NUM_STATIONS_W_PICKS:
        # first relocation, insensitive to outliers
            stations=net.stations, routine=LOCATION_ROUTINE, method=NLLOC_METHOD,
    if "NLLoc_reloc" in event.aux_data:
        # this variable was inserted into ev.aux_data if NLLoc successfully located the event
        # use predicted times to remove outlier picks
        if len(event.picks.dropna(how="all")) >= MINIMUM_NUM_STATIONS_W_PICKS:
            # first relocation, insensitive to outliers
                stations=net.stations, routine=LOCATION_ROUTINE, method=NLLOC_METHOD,
            del event.aux_data["NLLoc_reloc"]
    events[] = event
    if ("NLLoc_reloc" in event.aux_data) and (event.hmax_unc) < MAX_HORIZONTAL_UNC_KM:
        template_group.catalog.catalog.loc[, "longitude"] = event.longitude
        template_group.catalog.catalog.loc[, "latitude"] = event.latitude
        template_group.catalog.catalog.loc[, "depth"] = event.depth
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
2023-03-08 16:11:25.822008: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Could not load dynamic library ''; dlerror: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory; LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /usr/local/cuda-11.7/lib64
2023-03-08 16:11:25.822047: W tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/] failed call to cuInit: UNKNOWN ERROR (303)
2023-03-08 16:11:25.822072: I tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/] kernel driver does not appear to be running on this host (hypo-7): /proc/driver/nvidia/version does not exist
2023-03-08 16:11:25.822308: I tensorflow/core/platform/] This TensorFlow binary is optimized with oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) to use the following CPU instructions in performance-critical operations:  AVX2 FMA
To enable them in other operations, rebuild TensorFlow with the appropriate compiler flags.
2023-03-08 16:11:26.534948: I tensorflow/compiler/mlir/] MLIR V1 optimization pass is not enabled
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  4.32it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.37it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  4.79it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.25it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.29it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.56it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.36it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.44it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.89it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  3.87it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.72it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.49it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.48it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.35it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.24it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.31it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.30it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.47it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.53it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.51it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.18it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.46it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.31it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.03it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.19it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.18it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.65it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  4.21it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.29it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.33it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.33it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.34it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.27it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.57it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.45it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.48it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.38it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.21it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  3.96it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.46it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.37it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.31it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.54it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.54it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.74it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.55it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.11it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.36it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.44it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.15it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.65it/s]
n events: 1, n stations: 8, batch size (n events x n stations): 8
Pred: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  5.49it/s]
fig = template_group.catalog.plot_map(
    figsize=(10, 10), network=net, s=50, markersize_station=50, lat_margin=0.02, plot_uncertainties=False
ax = fig.get_axes()[0]
longitude latitude depth origin_time cc tid origin_time_sec interevent_time_sec unique_event hmax_unc hmin_unc az_hmax_unc vmax_unc
1.0 30.399707 40.764062 10.136719 2012-07-07 06:56:02.200 0.432075 1 1.341644e+09 0.00 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
3.1 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 06:56:52.160 0.246272 3 1.341644e+09 0.04 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
1.2 30.404590 40.767187 10.238281 2012-07-07 07:07:45.440 0.403376 1 1.341645e+09 652.96 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
3.3 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 07:09:59.680 0.239296 3 1.341645e+09 133.84 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
0.3 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 07:10:12.440 0.257793 0 1.341645e+09 0.36 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
5.3 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 07:10:20.000 0.402187 5 1.341645e+09 7.56 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
5.4 30.398242 40.763125 10.289062 2012-07-07 07:10:39.160 0.377112 5 1.341645e+09 19.12 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
1.4 30.413867 40.761875 10.898438 2012-07-07 07:10:53.640 0.394400 1 1.341645e+09 13.60 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
3.4 30.413867 40.760625 10.898438 2012-07-07 07:11:07.280 0.681143 3 1.341645e+09 0.08 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
5.6 30.407520 40.762812 10.136719 2012-07-07 07:11:36.080 0.181182 5 1.341645e+09 28.52 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
0.8 30.406543 40.762812 10.238281 2012-07-07 07:12:06.200 1.000000 0 1.341645e+09 0.04 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
1.7 30.400684 40.763437 10.136719 2012-07-07 07:14:25.000 1.000000 1 1.341645e+09 138.80 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
1.8 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 07:15:44.880 0.183907 1 1.341645e+09 79.52 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
5.9 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 07:18:17.040 0.398268 5 1.341645e+09 152.16 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
0.11 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 07:22:16.240 0.178471 0 1.341646e+09 239.16 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
0.12 30.402148 40.744375 6.632812 2012-07-07 07:22:43.880 0.169656 0 1.341646e+09 27.64 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
3.6 30.393359 40.753750 2.671875 2012-07-07 07:23:08.320 0.491056 3 1.341646e+09 24.44 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
1.9 30.396777 40.769062 10.746094 2012-07-07 07:24:09.560 0.188800 1 1.341646e+09 60.96 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
5.11 30.400684 40.765312 10.746094 2012-07-07 07:24:34.000 1.000000 5 1.341646e+09 0.24 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
1.11 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 07:26:09.920 0.211587 1 1.341646e+09 95.88 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
1.12 30.314746 40.715938 0.996094 2012-07-07 07:27:21.560 0.244670 1 1.341646e+09 71.64 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
5.13 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 07:29:48.920 0.210121 5 1.341646e+09 147.00 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
3.8 30.445605 40.765312 8.003906 2012-07-07 07:34:42.600 0.424897 3 1.341646e+09 0.04 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
3.9 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 07:35:58.000 0.260982 3 1.341647e+09 75.08 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
3.10 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 07:39:17.400 0.202312 3 1.341647e+09 199.16 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
3.11 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 08:00:23.360 0.199350 3 1.341648e+09 1265.96 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
1.14 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 08:10:46.560 0.158986 1 1.341649e+09 623.20 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
0.17 30.338428 40.717969 1.021484 2012-07-07 08:15:48.880 0.246277 0 1.341649e+09 0.04 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
0.18 30.429492 40.763125 8.460938 2012-07-07 08:17:35.000 0.563850 0 1.341649e+09 0.04 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
1.17 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 08:30:27.240 0.218191 1 1.341650e+09 772.24 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
2.19 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 08:41:19.560 0.304813 2 1.341650e+09 0.08 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
1.19 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 08:45:27.600 0.225189 1 1.341651e+09 248.04 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
2.21 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 08:46:34.360 0.321005 2 1.341651e+09 0.08 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
1.21 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 08:47:00.560 0.407170 1 1.341651e+09 26.20 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
3.12 30.441211 40.764375 8.257812 2012-07-07 08:48:43.800 1.000000 3 1.341651e+09 0.08 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
5.21 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 09:10:00.600 0.390236 5 1.341652e+09 0.28 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
5.22 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 09:10:55.640 0.152766 5 1.341652e+09 54.96 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
1.24 30.402637 40.763437 9.933594 2012-07-07 09:20:12.080 0.693933 1 1.341653e+09 556.44 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
5.24 30.353320 40.670625 1.960938 2012-07-07 09:27:10.120 0.332328 5 1.341653e+09 417.68 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
1.25 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 09:42:13.440 0.206876 1 1.341654e+09 903.28 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
2.27 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 09:46:04.920 0.341435 2 1.341654e+09 0.08 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
5.26 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 09:59:27.240 0.186767 5 1.341655e+09 802.32 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
1.27 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 10:05:20.680 0.159305 1 1.341656e+09 353.36 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
4.0 30.322070 40.759375 2.164062 2012-07-07 10:16:39.800 1.000000 4 1.341656e+09 679.12 True 3.378762 1.691182 -143.772340 2.733743
5.27 30.427539 40.764375 9.273438 2012-07-07 10:41:34.400 0.335804 5 1.341658e+09 0.28 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
0.30 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 11:15:32.640 0.298780 0 1.341660e+09 0.08 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
0.31 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 11:23:41.520 0.385650 0 1.341660e+09 0.04 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
1.30 30.331348 40.719062 0.996094 2012-07-07 12:13:39.320 0.266582 1 1.341663e+09 2997.80 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
2.33 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 12:17:45.120 0.167869 2 1.341663e+09 245.44 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
6.0 30.318896 40.676719 2.697266 2012-07-07 15:26:15.080 1.000000 6 1.341675e+09 11309.96 True 4.898208 2.005268 177.708818 3.423410
3.14 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 16:50:34.840 0.255224 3 1.341680e+09 5059.76 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
1.31 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 19:23:20.560 0.146581 1 1.341689e+09 9165.72 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751

Assemble the backprojection and template matching catalog

When selecting the template events from the backprojection catalog, we imposed some quality criteria that might have thrown out some events that we still want in our final catalog. Here, we make a simple comparison of the backprojection and template matching catalogs to find these missing events and add them to the final catalog.

BACKPROJECTION_CATALOG_FILENAME = "backprojection_catalog.csv"
tm_catalog = template_group.catalog.catalog.copy()
for i in range(len(tm_catalog)):
    tm_catalog.loc[i, "event_id"] = f"tm_{tm_catalog.loc[i, 'event_id']}"
event_id longitude latitude depth origin_time cc tid origin_time_sec interevent_time_sec unique_event hmax_unc hmin_unc az_hmax_unc vmax_unc
0 tm_1.0 30.399707 40.764062 10.136719 2012-07-07 06:56:02.200 0.432075 1 1.341644e+09 0.00 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
1 tm_3.1 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 06:56:52.160 0.246272 3 1.341644e+09 0.04 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
2 tm_1.2 30.404590 40.767187 10.238281 2012-07-07 07:07:45.440 0.403376 1 1.341645e+09 652.96 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
3 tm_3.3 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 07:09:59.680 0.239296 3 1.341645e+09 133.84 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
4 tm_0.3 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 07:10:12.440 0.257793 0 1.341645e+09 0.36 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
5 tm_5.3 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 07:10:20.000 0.402187 5 1.341645e+09 7.56 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
6 tm_5.4 30.398242 40.763125 10.289062 2012-07-07 07:10:39.160 0.377112 5 1.341645e+09 19.12 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
7 tm_1.4 30.413867 40.761875 10.898438 2012-07-07 07:10:53.640 0.394400 1 1.341645e+09 13.60 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
8 tm_3.4 30.413867 40.760625 10.898438 2012-07-07 07:11:07.280 0.681143 3 1.341645e+09 0.08 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
9 tm_5.6 30.407520 40.762812 10.136719 2012-07-07 07:11:36.080 0.181182 5 1.341645e+09 28.52 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
10 tm_0.8 30.406543 40.762812 10.238281 2012-07-07 07:12:06.200 1.000000 0 1.341645e+09 0.04 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
11 tm_1.7 30.400684 40.763437 10.136719 2012-07-07 07:14:25.000 1.000000 1 1.341645e+09 138.80 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
12 tm_1.8 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 07:15:44.880 0.183907 1 1.341645e+09 79.52 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
13 tm_5.9 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 07:18:17.040 0.398268 5 1.341645e+09 152.16 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
14 tm_0.11 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 07:22:16.240 0.178471 0 1.341646e+09 239.16 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
15 tm_0.12 30.402148 40.744375 6.632812 2012-07-07 07:22:43.880 0.169656 0 1.341646e+09 27.64 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
16 tm_3.6 30.393359 40.753750 2.671875 2012-07-07 07:23:08.320 0.491056 3 1.341646e+09 24.44 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
17 tm_1.9 30.396777 40.769062 10.746094 2012-07-07 07:24:09.560 0.188800 1 1.341646e+09 60.96 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
18 tm_5.11 30.400684 40.765312 10.746094 2012-07-07 07:24:34.000 1.000000 5 1.341646e+09 0.24 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
19 tm_1.11 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 07:26:09.920 0.211587 1 1.341646e+09 95.88 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
20 tm_1.12 30.314746 40.715938 0.996094 2012-07-07 07:27:21.560 0.244670 1 1.341646e+09 71.64 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
21 tm_5.13 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 07:29:48.920 0.210121 5 1.341646e+09 147.00 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
22 tm_3.8 30.445605 40.765312 8.003906 2012-07-07 07:34:42.600 0.424897 3 1.341646e+09 0.04 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
23 tm_3.9 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 07:35:58.000 0.260982 3 1.341647e+09 75.08 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
24 tm_3.10 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 07:39:17.400 0.202312 3 1.341647e+09 199.16 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
25 tm_3.11 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 08:00:23.360 0.199350 3 1.341648e+09 1265.96 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
26 tm_1.14 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 08:10:46.560 0.158986 1 1.341649e+09 623.20 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
27 tm_0.17 30.338428 40.717969 1.021484 2012-07-07 08:15:48.880 0.246277 0 1.341649e+09 0.04 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
28 tm_0.18 30.429492 40.763125 8.460938 2012-07-07 08:17:35.000 0.563850 0 1.341649e+09 0.04 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
29 tm_1.17 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 08:30:27.240 0.218191 1 1.341650e+09 772.24 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
30 tm_2.19 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 08:41:19.560 0.304813 2 1.341650e+09 0.08 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
31 tm_1.19 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 08:45:27.600 0.225189 1 1.341651e+09 248.04 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
32 tm_2.21 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 08:46:34.360 0.321005 2 1.341651e+09 0.08 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
33 tm_1.21 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 08:47:00.560 0.407170 1 1.341651e+09 26.20 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
34 tm_3.12 30.441211 40.764375 8.257812 2012-07-07 08:48:43.800 1.000000 3 1.341651e+09 0.08 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
35 tm_5.21 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 09:10:00.600 0.390236 5 1.341652e+09 0.28 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
36 tm_5.22 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 09:10:55.640 0.152766 5 1.341652e+09 54.96 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
37 tm_1.24 30.402637 40.763437 9.933594 2012-07-07 09:20:12.080 0.693933 1 1.341653e+09 556.44 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
38 tm_5.24 30.353320 40.670625 1.960938 2012-07-07 09:27:10.120 0.332328 5 1.341653e+09 417.68 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
39 tm_1.25 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 09:42:13.440 0.206876 1 1.341654e+09 903.28 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
40 tm_2.27 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 09:46:04.920 0.341435 2 1.341654e+09 0.08 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
41 tm_5.26 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 09:59:27.240 0.186767 5 1.341655e+09 802.32 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
42 tm_1.27 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 10:05:20.680 0.159305 1 1.341656e+09 353.36 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
43 tm_4.0 30.322070 40.759375 2.164062 2012-07-07 10:16:39.800 1.000000 4 1.341656e+09 679.12 True 3.378762 1.691182 -143.772340 2.733743
44 tm_5.27 30.427539 40.764375 9.273438 2012-07-07 10:41:34.400 0.335804 5 1.341658e+09 0.28 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067
45 tm_0.30 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 11:15:32.640 0.298780 0 1.341660e+09 0.08 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
46 tm_0.31 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 11:23:41.520 0.385650 0 1.341660e+09 0.04 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
47 tm_1.30 30.331348 40.719062 0.996094 2012-07-07 12:13:39.320 0.266582 1 1.341663e+09 2997.80 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
48 tm_2.33 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 12:17:45.120 0.167869 2 1.341663e+09 245.44 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778
49 tm_6.0 30.318896 40.676719 2.697266 2012-07-07 15:26:15.080 1.000000 6 1.341675e+09 11309.96 True 4.898208 2.005268 177.708818 3.423410
50 tm_3.14 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 16:50:34.840 0.255224 3 1.341680e+09 5059.76 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210
51 tm_1.31 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 19:23:20.560 0.146581 1 1.341689e+09 9165.72 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751
bp_catalog = pd.read_csv(
# add event ids
for i in range(len(bp_catalog)):
    bp_catalog.loc[i, "event_id"] = f"bp_{i}"
# convert origin times from string to pandas.Timestamp
bp_catalog["origin_time"] = pd.to_datetime(bp_catalog["origin_time"])
longitude latitude depth origin_time hmax_unc hmin_unc az_hmax_unc Mw Mw_err event_id
0 30.402637 40.765937 10.238281 2012-07-07 06:56:02.560 1.554406 1.320863 -167.389837 2.688609 2.603238e-02 bp_0
1 30.408496 40.765937 10.238281 2012-07-07 07:07:45.720 1.386711 1.049999 148.121750 3.912620 1.835205e-31 bp_1
2 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 07:12:06.200 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 NaN NaN bp_2
3 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 07:14:25.000 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 2.809426 1.748471e-02 bp_3
4 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 07:24:34.000 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 2.604610 2.720755e-02 bp_4
5 30.409961 40.768125 10.289062 2012-07-07 07:34:42.800 2.157981 1.659802 125.916805 NaN NaN bp_5
6 30.413867 40.759375 9.273438 2012-07-07 08:17:35.080 1.807823 1.109721 70.558859 NaN NaN bp_6
7 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 08:48:43.800 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 NaN NaN bp_7
8 30.402637 40.764687 10.035156 2012-07-07 09:20:12.480 1.116928 0.884104 159.472964 NaN NaN bp_8
9 30.316699 40.754688 0.285156 2012-07-07 10:16:39.800 3.378762 1.691182 -143.772340 NaN NaN bp_9
10 30.421680 40.764375 9.273438 2012-07-07 10:41:34.320 1.921096 1.396241 81.876681 NaN NaN bp_10
11 30.294482 40.628281 -1.517578 2012-07-07 15:26:15.080 4.898208 2.005268 177.708818 NaN NaN bp_11
# catalog merging parameters
dt_criterion_pd = pd.Timedelta(DT_CRITERION_SEC, "s")
final_catalog = tm_catalog.copy()
missing_event = np.zeros(len(bp_catalog), dtype=bool)

for i in tqdm(range(len(bp_catalog)), desc="Loop through BP cat"):
    if bp_catalog.iloc[i]["hmax_unc"] > HMAX_UNC_CRITERION_KM:
    t_min = bp_catalog.iloc[i]["origin_time"] - dt_criterion_pd
    t_max = bp_catalog.iloc[i]["origin_time"] + dt_criterion_pd
    subset_tm = (tm_catalog["origin_time"] > t_min) & (tm_catalog["origin_time"] < t_max)
    if np.sum(subset_tm) == 0:
        missing_event[i] = True

final_catalog = pd.concat(
        (tm_catalog, bp_catalog[missing_event]),
        "origin_time", ascending=True, inplace=True
Loop through BP cat: 100%|██████████| 12/12 [00:00<00:00, 1574.19it/s]
final_catalog.set_index("event_id", drop=False, inplace=True)
event_id longitude latitude depth origin_time cc tid origin_time_sec interevent_time_sec unique_event hmax_unc hmin_unc az_hmax_unc vmax_unc Mw Mw_err
tm_1.0 tm_1.0 30.399707 40.764062 10.136719 2012-07-07 06:56:02.200 0.432075 1.0 1.341644e+09 0.00 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751 NaN NaN
tm_3.1 tm_3.1 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 06:56:52.160 0.246272 3.0 1.341644e+09 0.04 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210 NaN NaN
tm_1.2 tm_1.2 30.404590 40.767187 10.238281 2012-07-07 07:07:45.440 0.403376 1.0 1.341645e+09 652.96 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751 NaN NaN
tm_3.3 tm_3.3 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 07:09:59.680 0.239296 3.0 1.341645e+09 133.84 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210 NaN NaN
tm_0.3 tm_0.3 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 07:10:12.440 0.257793 0.0 1.341645e+09 0.36 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778 NaN NaN
tm_5.3 tm_5.3 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 07:10:20.000 0.402187 5.0 1.341645e+09 7.56 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067 NaN NaN
tm_5.4 tm_5.4 30.398242 40.763125 10.289062 2012-07-07 07:10:39.160 0.377112 5.0 1.341645e+09 19.12 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067 NaN NaN
tm_1.4 tm_1.4 30.413867 40.761875 10.898438 2012-07-07 07:10:53.640 0.394400 1.0 1.341645e+09 13.60 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751 NaN NaN
tm_3.4 tm_3.4 30.413867 40.760625 10.898438 2012-07-07 07:11:07.280 0.681143 3.0 1.341645e+09 0.08 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210 NaN NaN
tm_5.6 tm_5.6 30.407520 40.762812 10.136719 2012-07-07 07:11:36.080 0.181182 5.0 1.341645e+09 28.52 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067 NaN NaN
tm_0.8 tm_0.8 30.406543 40.762812 10.238281 2012-07-07 07:12:06.200 1.000000 0.0 1.341645e+09 0.04 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778 NaN NaN
tm_1.7 tm_1.7 30.400684 40.763437 10.136719 2012-07-07 07:14:25.000 1.000000 1.0 1.341645e+09 138.80 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751 NaN NaN
tm_1.8 tm_1.8 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 07:15:44.880 0.183907 1.0 1.341645e+09 79.52 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751 NaN NaN
tm_5.9 tm_5.9 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 07:18:17.040 0.398268 5.0 1.341645e+09 152.16 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067 NaN NaN
tm_0.11 tm_0.11 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 07:22:16.240 0.178471 0.0 1.341646e+09 239.16 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778 NaN NaN
tm_0.12 tm_0.12 30.402148 40.744375 6.632812 2012-07-07 07:22:43.880 0.169656 0.0 1.341646e+09 27.64 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778 NaN NaN
tm_3.6 tm_3.6 30.393359 40.753750 2.671875 2012-07-07 07:23:08.320 0.491056 3.0 1.341646e+09 24.44 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210 NaN NaN
tm_1.9 tm_1.9 30.396777 40.769062 10.746094 2012-07-07 07:24:09.560 0.188800 1.0 1.341646e+09 60.96 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751 NaN NaN
tm_5.11 tm_5.11 30.400684 40.765312 10.746094 2012-07-07 07:24:34.000 1.000000 5.0 1.341646e+09 0.24 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067 NaN NaN
tm_1.11 tm_1.11 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 07:26:09.920 0.211587 1.0 1.341646e+09 95.88 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751 NaN NaN
tm_1.12 tm_1.12 30.314746 40.715938 0.996094 2012-07-07 07:27:21.560 0.244670 1.0 1.341646e+09 71.64 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751 NaN NaN
tm_5.13 tm_5.13 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 07:29:48.920 0.210121 5.0 1.341646e+09 147.00 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067 NaN NaN
tm_3.8 tm_3.8 30.445605 40.765312 8.003906 2012-07-07 07:34:42.600 0.424897 3.0 1.341646e+09 0.04 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210 NaN NaN
tm_3.9 tm_3.9 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 07:35:58.000 0.260982 3.0 1.341647e+09 75.08 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210 NaN NaN
tm_3.10 tm_3.10 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 07:39:17.400 0.202312 3.0 1.341647e+09 199.16 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210 NaN NaN
tm_3.11 tm_3.11 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 08:00:23.360 0.199350 3.0 1.341648e+09 1265.96 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210 NaN NaN
tm_1.14 tm_1.14 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 08:10:46.560 0.158986 1.0 1.341649e+09 623.20 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751 NaN NaN
tm_0.17 tm_0.17 30.338428 40.717969 1.021484 2012-07-07 08:15:48.880 0.246277 0.0 1.341649e+09 0.04 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778 NaN NaN
tm_0.18 tm_0.18 30.429492 40.763125 8.460938 2012-07-07 08:17:35.000 0.563850 0.0 1.341649e+09 0.04 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778 NaN NaN
tm_1.17 tm_1.17 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 08:30:27.240 0.218191 1.0 1.341650e+09 772.24 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751 NaN NaN
tm_2.19 tm_2.19 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 08:41:19.560 0.304813 2.0 1.341650e+09 0.08 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778 NaN NaN
tm_1.19 tm_1.19 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 08:45:27.600 0.225189 1.0 1.341651e+09 248.04 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751 NaN NaN
tm_2.21 tm_2.21 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 08:46:34.360 0.321005 2.0 1.341651e+09 0.08 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778 NaN NaN
tm_1.21 tm_1.21 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 08:47:00.560 0.407170 1.0 1.341651e+09 26.20 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751 NaN NaN
tm_3.12 tm_3.12 30.441211 40.764375 8.257812 2012-07-07 08:48:43.800 1.000000 3.0 1.341651e+09 0.08 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210 NaN NaN
tm_5.21 tm_5.21 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 09:10:00.600 0.390236 5.0 1.341652e+09 0.28 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067 NaN NaN
tm_5.22 tm_5.22 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 09:10:55.640 0.152766 5.0 1.341652e+09 54.96 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067 NaN NaN
tm_1.24 tm_1.24 30.402637 40.763437 9.933594 2012-07-07 09:20:12.080 0.693933 1.0 1.341653e+09 556.44 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751 NaN NaN
tm_5.24 tm_5.24 30.353320 40.670625 1.960938 2012-07-07 09:27:10.120 0.332328 5.0 1.341653e+09 417.68 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067 NaN NaN
tm_1.25 tm_1.25 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 09:42:13.440 0.206876 1.0 1.341654e+09 903.28 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751 NaN NaN
tm_2.27 tm_2.27 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 09:46:04.920 0.341435 2.0 1.341654e+09 0.08 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778 NaN NaN
tm_5.26 tm_5.26 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 2012-07-07 09:59:27.240 0.186767 5.0 1.341655e+09 802.32 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067 NaN NaN
tm_1.27 tm_1.27 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 10:05:20.680 0.159305 1.0 1.341656e+09 353.36 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751 NaN NaN
tm_4.0 tm_4.0 30.322070 40.759375 2.164062 2012-07-07 10:16:39.800 1.000000 4.0 1.341656e+09 679.12 True 3.378762 1.691182 -143.772340 2.733743 NaN NaN
tm_5.27 tm_5.27 30.427539 40.764375 9.273438 2012-07-07 10:41:34.400 0.335804 5.0 1.341658e+09 0.28 True 1.477016 1.028668 137.014524 1.263067 NaN NaN
tm_0.30 tm_0.30 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 11:15:32.640 0.298780 0.0 1.341660e+09 0.08 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778 NaN NaN
tm_0.31 tm_0.31 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 11:23:41.520 0.385650 0.0 1.341660e+09 0.04 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778 NaN NaN
tm_1.30 tm_1.30 30.331348 40.719062 0.996094 2012-07-07 12:13:39.320 0.266582 1.0 1.341663e+09 2997.80 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751 NaN NaN
tm_2.33 tm_2.33 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 2012-07-07 12:17:45.120 0.167869 2.0 1.341663e+09 245.44 True 1.204078 0.954942 138.520075 1.142778 NaN NaN
tm_6.0 tm_6.0 30.318896 40.676719 2.697266 2012-07-07 15:26:15.080 1.000000 6.0 1.341675e+09 11309.96 True 4.898208 2.005268 177.708818 3.423410 NaN NaN
tm_3.14 tm_3.14 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2012-07-07 16:50:34.840 0.255224 3.0 1.341680e+09 5059.76 True 2.982386 1.933982 -169.556250 8.074210 NaN NaN
tm_1.31 tm_1.31 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 2012-07-07 19:23:20.560 0.146581 1.0 1.341689e+09 9165.72 True 1.886675 1.435720 -163.098388 1.737751 NaN NaN

Compute earthquake magnitudes

This section is still work-in-progress! The goal is to use the moment magnitudes \(M_w\) that we computed in notebook 7 and the waveform peak amplitudes that we extracted during template matching in notebook 9 to compute local magnitudes for more earthquakes.

for tp in template_group.templates:
    if "Mw" in tp.aux_data:
        self_detection = (final_catalog["tid"] == float(tp.tid)) & (final_catalog["cc"] > 0.999)
        final_catalog.loc[self_detection, "Mw"] = tp.aux_data["Mw"]
        final_catalog.loc[self_detection, "Mw_err"] = tp.aux_data["Mw_err"]
# final_catalog
ref_events = final_catalog.dropna(subset=["Mw"])
for event_id in events:
    event = events[event_id]
    event_id = f"tm_{event_id}"
    tid = float(event.aux_data["tid"])
    # print(tid)
    subset = ref_events.tid == tid
    if np.sum(subset) > 0:
        peak_amp = event.aux_data["peak_amplitudes"]
        Mls = []
        for i, row in ref_events[subset].iterrows():
            peak_amp_ref = events[[3:]].aux_data["peak_amplitudes"]
            ratios = (peak_amp/peak_amp_ref).flatten()
            ratios = ratios[~np.isinf(ratios) & (ratios > 0.)]
            Ml_diff = np.median(np.log10(ratios))
            # Ml_i = row.Mw + 2./3. * Ml_diff
            Ml_i = row.Mw + Ml_diff
        final_catalog.loc[event_id, "Ml"] = np.median(Mls)
final_catalog[["origin_time", "longitude", "latitude", "depth", "hmax_unc", "vmax_unc", "Mw", "Ml"]]
origin_time longitude latitude depth hmax_unc vmax_unc Mw Ml
tm_1.0 2012-07-07 06:56:02.200 30.399707 40.764062 10.136719 1.886675 1.737751 NaN 2.586553
tm_3.1 2012-07-07 06:56:52.160 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2.982386 8.074210 NaN NaN
tm_1.2 2012-07-07 07:07:45.440 30.404590 40.767187 10.238281 1.886675 1.737751 NaN 4.005050
tm_3.3 2012-07-07 07:09:59.680 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2.982386 8.074210 NaN NaN
tm_0.3 2012-07-07 07:10:12.440 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 1.204078 1.142778 NaN NaN
tm_5.3 2012-07-07 07:10:20.000 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 1.477016 1.263067 NaN 1.087575
tm_5.4 2012-07-07 07:10:39.160 30.398242 40.763125 10.289062 1.477016 1.263067 NaN 1.145118
tm_1.4 2012-07-07 07:10:53.640 30.413867 40.761875 10.898438 1.886675 1.737751 NaN 1.165784
tm_3.4 2012-07-07 07:11:07.280 30.413867 40.760625 10.898438 2.982386 8.074210 NaN NaN
tm_5.6 2012-07-07 07:11:36.080 30.407520 40.762812 10.136719 1.477016 1.263067 NaN 1.124363
tm_0.8 2012-07-07 07:12:06.200 30.406543 40.762812 10.238281 1.204078 1.142778 NaN NaN
tm_1.7 2012-07-07 07:14:25.000 30.400684 40.763437 10.136719 1.886675 1.737751 2.809426 2.809426
tm_1.8 2012-07-07 07:15:44.880 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 1.886675 1.737751 NaN 1.251298
tm_5.9 2012-07-07 07:18:17.040 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 1.477016 1.263067 NaN 0.990920
tm_0.11 2012-07-07 07:22:16.240 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 1.204078 1.142778 NaN NaN
tm_0.12 2012-07-07 07:22:43.880 30.402148 40.744375 6.632812 1.204078 1.142778 NaN NaN
tm_3.6 2012-07-07 07:23:08.320 30.393359 40.753750 2.671875 2.982386 8.074210 NaN NaN
tm_1.9 2012-07-07 07:24:09.560 30.396777 40.769062 10.746094 1.886675 1.737751 NaN 1.027156
tm_5.11 2012-07-07 07:24:34.000 30.400684 40.765312 10.746094 1.477016 1.263067 2.604610 2.604610
tm_1.11 2012-07-07 07:26:09.920 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 1.886675 1.737751 NaN 1.171287
tm_1.12 2012-07-07 07:27:21.560 30.314746 40.715938 0.996094 1.886675 1.737751 NaN 0.869616
tm_5.13 2012-07-07 07:29:48.920 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 1.477016 1.263067 NaN 1.004545
tm_3.8 2012-07-07 07:34:42.600 30.445605 40.765312 8.003906 2.982386 8.074210 NaN NaN
tm_3.9 2012-07-07 07:35:58.000 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2.982386 8.074210 NaN NaN
tm_3.10 2012-07-07 07:39:17.400 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2.982386 8.074210 NaN NaN
tm_3.11 2012-07-07 08:00:23.360 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2.982386 8.074210 NaN NaN
tm_1.14 2012-07-07 08:10:46.560 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 1.886675 1.737751 NaN 1.096352
tm_0.17 2012-07-07 08:15:48.880 30.338428 40.717969 1.021484 1.204078 1.142778 NaN NaN
tm_0.18 2012-07-07 08:17:35.000 30.429492 40.763125 8.460938 1.204078 1.142778 NaN NaN
tm_1.17 2012-07-07 08:30:27.240 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 1.886675 1.737751 NaN 1.085124
tm_2.19 2012-07-07 08:41:19.560 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 1.204078 1.142778 NaN NaN
tm_1.19 2012-07-07 08:45:27.600 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 1.886675 1.737751 NaN 1.000992
tm_2.21 2012-07-07 08:46:34.360 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 1.204078 1.142778 NaN NaN
tm_1.21 2012-07-07 08:47:00.560 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 1.886675 1.737751 NaN 1.066457
tm_3.12 2012-07-07 08:48:43.800 30.441211 40.764375 8.257812 2.982386 8.074210 NaN NaN
tm_5.21 2012-07-07 09:10:00.600 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 1.477016 1.263067 NaN 1.246354
tm_5.22 2012-07-07 09:10:55.640 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 1.477016 1.263067 NaN 0.934968
tm_1.24 2012-07-07 09:20:12.080 30.402637 40.763437 9.933594 1.886675 1.737751 NaN 2.351699
tm_5.24 2012-07-07 09:27:10.120 30.353320 40.670625 1.960938 1.477016 1.263067 NaN 1.231549
tm_1.25 2012-07-07 09:42:13.440 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 1.886675 1.737751 NaN 0.972295
tm_2.27 2012-07-07 09:46:04.920 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 1.204078 1.142778 NaN NaN
tm_5.26 2012-07-07 09:59:27.240 30.397754 40.765937 10.644531 1.477016 1.263067 NaN 0.991324
tm_1.27 2012-07-07 10:05:20.680 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 1.886675 1.737751 NaN 0.886426
tm_4.0 2012-07-07 10:16:39.800 30.322070 40.759375 2.164062 3.378762 2.733743 NaN NaN
tm_5.27 2012-07-07 10:41:34.400 30.427539 40.764375 9.273438 1.477016 1.263067 NaN 1.485605
tm_0.30 2012-07-07 11:15:32.640 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 1.204078 1.142778 NaN NaN
tm_0.31 2012-07-07 11:23:41.520 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 1.204078 1.142778 NaN NaN
tm_1.30 2012-07-07 12:13:39.320 30.331348 40.719062 0.996094 1.886675 1.737751 NaN 1.012254
tm_2.33 2012-07-07 12:17:45.120 30.404590 40.762187 10.136719 1.204078 1.142778 NaN NaN
tm_6.0 2012-07-07 15:26:15.080 30.318896 40.676719 2.697266 4.898208 3.423410 NaN NaN
tm_3.14 2012-07-07 16:50:34.840 30.445117 40.764375 8.054688 2.982386 8.074210 NaN NaN
tm_1.31 2012-07-07 19:23:20.560 30.411914 40.793125 11.304688 1.886675 1.737751 NaN 0.854499