
The goal of this tutorial is to design a workflow from scratch to detect and locate earthquakes with beampower. We first download the data and preprocess them, then we compute the beamformed network response with beampower and identify earthquake detections based on a number of tunable parameters. Finally, we visualize the waveforms of the detected events.


The tutorial requires a larger number of Python packages than beampower itself. Creating the virtual environment as described here is essential for running the tutorial successfully. We will use the python package manager Anaconda, or rather its ligther version Miniconda. Follow the instructions here to install Miniconda.

Once Anaconda or Miniconda is installed, you can use the conda commands. We will first make sure that conda uses packages from conda-forge when necessary:

$ conda config --add channels conda-forge

We will then create a Python 3.10 environment named beampower_tuto:

$ conda create -n beampower_tuto python=3.10

We now need to activate this environment:

$ conda activate beampower_tuto

In general, you can use conda to locally install a C and a CUDA-C compiler.

$ conda install gcc
$ conda install -c nvidia cuda-nvcc cuda-toolkit

Run the following command to install (almost) all the packages need for this tutorial:

$ conda install obspy numpy scipy pandas matplotlib h5py ipython jupyter cartopy xarray

Then, download Pykonal from Pykonal is the package we will use for computing the P- and S-wave travel times. Once downloaded and unpacked, go to Pykonal’s root folder and run:

$ pip install .

Finally, we need to install beampower to our new environment. We refer you to the Installation Section of the documentation.

Running the Tutorial

The tutorial is made of a series of Ipython notebooks that are meant to be run from 0 to 3.

Going Further

In this tutorial, we offer the possibility to use beampower to backproject the output of single-station deep learning models, such as PhaseNet (see Reference). Backprojection is a simple, physics-based method to aggregate these efficient single-station models into a network detector. In order to run the tutorial with PhaseNet, you will have to install phasenet from E.B.’s Github (modified version with wrapper functions to use PhaseNet from within a python script) at: Go to PhaseNet’s root folder and run:

$ pip install .

This should download the package tensorflow and may take some time.


Zhu, Weiqiang, and Gregory C. Beroza. “PhaseNet: a deep-neural-network-based seismic arrival-time picking method.” Geophysical Journal International 216, no. 1 (2019): 261-273.