Source code for BPMF.clib

import os

import ctypes as C
import numpy as np
import datetime as dt
import warnings

from .config import cfg

cpu_loaded = False

libpath = os.path.join(cfg.PACKAGE, "lib")

    _libc = C.cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.join(libpath, ""))
    cpu_loaded = True
        "Missing! You won"
        "t be able to run multiplet/template searches on the CPU"
    print("Should be at {}".format(os.path.join(libpath, "")))

if cpu_loaded:
    _libc.kurtosis.argtypes = [

    _libc.find_similar_moveouts.argtypes = [
        C.POINTER(C.c_float),  # moveouts
        C.POINTER(C.c_float),  # source_longitude
        C.POINTER(C.c_float),  # source_latitude
        C.POINTER(C.c_float),  # cell_longitude
        C.POINTER(C.c_float),  # cell_latitude
        C.c_float,  # rms time difference threshold
        C.c_size_t,  # number of grid points
        C.c_size_t,  # number of stations
        C.c_size_t,  # number of cells in longitude
        C.c_size_t,  # number of cells in latitude
        C.c_size_t,  # number of stations for diff
        C.c_int, # num threads
        C.POINTER(C.c_int),  # output pointer: redundant sources

    _libc.select_cc_indexes.argtypes = [
        C.POINTER(C.c_float),  # CCs
        C.POINTER(C.c_float),  # threshold
        C.c_size_t,  # search window
        C.c_size_t,  # length of CCs
        C.POINTER(C.c_int),  # selected corr

    _libc.time_dependent_threshold.argtypes = [
            C.POINTER(C.c_float),  # input time series
            C.POINTER(C.c_float),  # gaussian sample
            C.c_float,             # num_dev
            C.c_size_t,            # num_samples
            C.c_size_t,            # half_window_samp
            C.c_size_t,            # shift_samp
            C.c_int, # num threads
            C.POINTER(C.c_float),  # output threshold

[docs] def kurtosis(signal, W): n_stations = signal.shape[0] n_components = signal.shape[1] length = signal.shape[-1] Kurto = np.zeros(n_stations * n_components * length, dtype=np.float32) signal = np.float32(signal.flatten()) _libc.kurtosis( signal.ctypes.data_as(C.POINTER(C.c_float)), np.int32(W), np.int32(n_stations), np.int32(n_components), np.int32(length), Kurto.ctypes.data_as(C.POINTER(C.c_float)), ) return Kurto.reshape(n_stations, n_components, length)
[docs] def find_similar_sources( moveouts, source_longitude, source_latitude, cell_longitude, cell_latitude, threshold, num_threads=None, num_stations_for_diff=None, ): """ Find sources with similar moveouts so that users can discard some of them during the computation of the network response, and thus speedup the process. Parameters ------------- moveouts: (n_sources, n_stations) float numpy.ndarray The moveouts in seconds. Note: It makes more sense to input the moveouts rather than the absolute travel times here. threshold: scalar float The station average time difference tolerance to consider two sources as being redundant. Returns ------------- redundant_sources: (n_sources,) boolean numpy.ndarray Boolean numpy array with True elements for sources that share similar moveouts with other sources. """ n_sources = moveouts.shape[0] n_stations = moveouts.shape[1] n_cells_longitude = len(cell_longitude) - 1 n_cells_latitude = len(cell_latitude) - 1 if num_stations_for_diff is None: num_stations_for_diff = n_stations if moveouts.dtype in (np.int32, np.int64): print("Integer typed moveouts detected. Are you sure these are in" " seconds?") if num_threads is None: # set num_threads to -1 so that the C routine # understands to use all CPUs #num_threads = os.cpu_count() num_threads = int(os.environ.get("OMP_NUM_THREADS", os.cpu_count())) # format input arrays moveouts = np.float32(moveouts.flatten()) source_longitude = np.float32(source_longitude) source_latitude = np.float32(source_latitude) cell_longitude = np.float32(cell_longitude) cell_latitude = np.float32(cell_latitude) # initialize the output pointer redundant_sources = np.zeros(n_sources, dtype=np.int32) # call the C function: _libc.find_similar_moveouts( moveouts.ctypes.data_as(C.POINTER(C.c_float)), source_longitude.ctypes.data_as(C.POINTER(C.c_float)), source_latitude.ctypes.data_as(C.POINTER(C.c_float)), cell_longitude.ctypes.data_as(C.POINTER(C.c_float)), cell_latitude.ctypes.data_as(C.POINTER(C.c_float)), np.float32(threshold), int(n_sources), int(n_stations), int(n_cells_longitude), int(n_cells_latitude), int(num_stations_for_diff), int(num_threads), redundant_sources.ctypes.data_as(C.POINTER(C.c_int)), ) return redundant_sources.astype(bool)
[docs] def select_cc_indexes(ccs, threshold, search_win): """Select new event detection's correlation indexes. Parameters ----------- ccs: (n_corr,) `numpy.ndarray` Time series of correlation coefficients. threshold (n_corr,) `numpy.ndarray` or `float` scalar Time series or scalar detection threshold. search_win: `int` scalar Size of the time window, in number of consecutive correlations, defining grouped detections. Returns -------- selection: (n_corr,) bool `numpy.ndarray` Vector of `n_corr` booleans that are true if the corresponding CC index is a new event detection. """ n_corr = len(ccs) if isinstance(threshold, float) or isinstance(threshold, int): threshold = threshold * np.ones(n_corr, dtype=np.float32) threshold = np.float32(threshold) selection = np.zeros(n_corr, dtype=np.int32) _libc.select_cc_indexes( ccs.ctypes.data_as(C.POINTER(C.c_float)), threshold.ctypes.data_as(C.POINTER(C.c_float)), int(search_win), int(n_corr), selection.ctypes.data_as(C.POINTER(C.c_int)), ) return selection.astype(bool)
[docs] def time_dependent_threshold( time_series, sliding_window_samp, num_dev, overlap=0.66, threshold_type="rms", white_noise=None, num_threads=None ): """ Time dependent detection threshold. Parameters ----------- time_series : (n_correlations) array_like The array of correlation coefficients calculated by FMF (float 32). sliding_window_samp : scalar integer The size of the sliding window, in samples, used to calculate the time dependent central tendency and deviation of the time series. overlap : scalar float, default to 0.75 threshold_type : string, default to 'rms' Either rms or mad, depending on which measure of deviation you want to use. Returns ---------- threshold: (n_correlations) array_like Returns the time dependent threshold, with same size """ GAUSSIAN_SAMPLE_LEN = 500 time_series = (time_series.copy()) num_samples = len(time_series) if white_noise is None: white_noise = np.random.normal(size=GAUSSIAN_SAMPLE_LEN).astype("float32") if num_threads is None: num_threads = os.cpu_count() threshold_type = threshold_type.lower() half_window_samp = sliding_window_samp // 2 shift_samp = int((1.0 - overlap) * sliding_window_samp) threshold = np.zeros(num_samples, dtype=np.float32) _libc.time_dependent_threshold( time_series.astype("float32").ctypes.data_as(C.POINTER(C.c_float)), white_noise.astype("float32").ctypes.data_as(C.POINTER(C.c_float)), float(num_dev), int(num_samples), int(half_window_samp), int(shift_samp), int(num_threads), threshold.ctypes.data_as(C.POINTER(C.c_float)) ) return threshold