Source code for ILSI.utils_stress

import sys

import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import LinAlgError

[docs]def A_phi_(principal_stresses, principal_directions): """Compute A_phi as defined by Simpson 1997. Parameters ----------- principal_stresses: (3,) numpy.ndarray The three eigenvalues of the stress tensor, ordered from most compressive (sigma1) to least compressive (sigma3). principal_directions: (3, 3) numpy.ndarray The three eigenvectors of the stress tensor, stored in a matrix as column vectors and ordered from most compressive (sigma1) to least compressive (sigma3). The direction of sigma_i is given by: `principal_directions[:, i]`. Returns -------- A_phi: scalar, float """ # first, find the stress axis closest to the vertical max_dip = 0. for i in range(3): stress_dir = principal_directions[:, i] az, dip = get_bearing_plunge(stress_dir) if dip > max_dip: max_dip = dip vertical_stress_idx = i # n is the number of principal stresses larger than the "vertical" stress # n=0 for normal faulting # n=1 for strike-slip faulting # n=2 for reverse faulting n = np.sum(principal_stresses < principal_stresses[vertical_stress_idx]) # compute the shape ratio R = R_(principal_stresses) # compute A_phi A_phi = (n + 0.5) + (-1.)**n * (0.5 - R) return A_phi
[docs]def hist2d(azimuths, plunges, nbins=200, smoothing_sig=0, plot=False): """ Computes the 2d histogram in the stereographic space of a collection lines described by their azimuth and plunge. Parameters ----------- azimuths: (n_lines) list or numpy.ndarray, float Azimuths of the lines. plunges: (n_lines) list or numpy.ndarray, float Plunges (angle from horizontal) of the lines. nbins: integer, default to 200 Number of bins, in both axes, used to discretized the 2d space. smoothing_sih: float, default to 0 If greater than 0, smooth the 2d distribution with a gaussian kernel. This is useful to derive smooth confidence intervals. plot: boolean, default to False If True, plot the 2d histogram. """ import mplstereonet from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter # convert azimuths and plunges to longitudes and latitudes # on a stereographic plot lons, lats = mplstereonet.stereonet_math.line(plunges, azimuths) count, lon_bins, lat_bins = np.histogram2d( lons, lats, range=([-np.pi / 2.0, np.pi / 2.0], [-np.pi / 2.0, np.pi / 2.0]), bins=nbins, ) lons_g, lats_g = np.meshgrid( (lon_bins[1:] + lon_bins[:-1]) / 2.0, (lat_bins[1:] + lat_bins[:-1]) / 2.0, indexing="ij", ) if smoothing_sig > 0: count = gaussian_filter(count, smoothing_sig) if plot: fig = plt.figure("2d_histogram_stereo", figsize=(18, 9)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="stereonet") pcl = ax.pcolormesh(lons_g, lats_g, count) plt.colorbar(mappable=pcl) return count, lons_g, lats_g
[docs]def joint_CDF(count): # normalize the histogram density = count / np.sum(count) # integrate along first axis, and then along second axis # while keeping the original shape joint = np.cumsum(np.cumsum(density, axis=0), axis=1) return joint
[docs]def get_CI_levels( azimuths, plunges, confidence_intervals=[95.0, 90.0], nbins=200, smoothing_sig=1, return_count=False, plot=False, ): """ Computes the 2d histogram in the stereographic space of a collection lines described by their azimuth and plunge. Parameters ----------- azimuths: (n_lines) list or numpy.ndarray, float Azimuths of the lines. plunges: (n_lines) list or numpy.ndarray, float Plunges (angle from horizontal) of the lines. nbins: integer, default to 200 Number of bins, in both axes, used to discretized the 2d space. smoothing_sig: float, default to 1 If greater than 0, smooth the 2d distribution with a gaussian kernel. This is useful to derive smooth confidence intervals. plot: boolean, default to False If True, plot the 2d histogram. Returns --------- count: (nbins, nbins) numpy.ndarray, integer, optional 2D histogram of the lines dsecribed by azimuths and plunges. Only provided if `return_count` is True. lons_g: (nbins, nbins) numpy.ndarray, float, optional 2D grid of the longitudinal coordinate of each bin. Only provided if `return_count` is True. lats_g: (nbins, nbins) numpy.ndarray, float, optional 2D grid f the latitudinal coordinate of each bin. Only provided if `return_count` is True. confidence_intervals: (nbins, nbins) numpy.ndarray, float 2D distribution of the mass. """ from scipy.interpolate import interp1d # get histogram on a 2d grid count, lons_g, lats_g = hist2d( azimuths, plunges, nbins=nbins, smoothing_sig=smoothing_sig ) # flatten the count array and sort it from largest to smallest count_vector = np.sort(count.copy().flatten())[::-1] # compute the "CDF" of the counts count_CDF = np.hstack(([0.0], np.cumsum(count_vector) / count_vector.sum(), [1.0])) count_vector = np.hstack(([count_vector.max() + 1.0], count_vector, [0.0])) # build an interpolator that gives the count number # for a given % of the total mass mass_dist = interp1d(100.0 * count_CDF, count_vector) mass_dist_ = lambda x: mass_dist(x).item() confidence_intervals = list(map(mass_dist_, [k for k in confidence_intervals])) if plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure("2d_histogram_stereo", figsize=(18, 9)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="stereonet") pcl = ax.pcolormesh(lons_g, lats_g, count) ax.contour( lons_g, lats_g, count, levels=confidence_intervals, zorder=2, cmap="jet" ) plt.colorbar(mappable=pcl) if return_count: return count, lons_g, lats_g, confidence_intervals else: return confidence_intervals
[docs]def get_CI_levels_joint( azimuths, plunges, confidence_intervals=[90.0, 95.0], nbins=200, smoothing_sig=1, return_count=False, plot=False, ): """ Computes the 2d histogram in the stereographic space of a collection lines described by their azimuth and plunge. This is an EXPERIMENTAL function. Parameters ----------- azimuths: (n_lines) list or numpy.ndarray, float Azimuths of the lines. plunges: (n_lines) list or numpy.ndarray, float Plunges (angle from horizontal) of the lines. nbins: integer, default to 200 Number of bins, in both axes, used to discretized the 2d space. smoothing_sig: float, default to 1 If greater than 0, smooth the 2d distribution with a gaussian kernel. This is useful to derive smooth confidence intervals. plot: boolean, default to False If True, plot the 2d histogram. Returns --------- count: (nbins, nbins) numpy.ndarray, integer, optional 2D histogram of the lines dsecribed by azimuths and plunges. Only provided if `return_count` is True. lons_g: (nbins, nbins) numpy.ndarray, float, optional 2D grid of the longitudinal coordinate of each bin. Only provided if `return_count` is True. lats_g: (nbins, nbins) numpy.ndarray, float, optional 2D grid f the latitudinal coordinate of each bin. Only provided if `return_count` is True. confidence_intervals: (nbins, nbins) numpy.ndarray, float 2D distribution of the mass. """ from scipy.interpolate import interp1d # get histogram on a 2d grid count, lons_g, lats_g = hist2d( azimuths, plunges, nbins=nbins, smoothing_sig=smoothing_sig ) # compute the joint cumulative distribution function (CDF) joint = joint_CDF(count) # because we define the (1-2a) confidence interval from the # a-th and the (1-a)-th percentiles, we conveniently define the # following function: g = 2.0 * np.abs(joint - 0.5) * 100.0 # all points for which g < 1-2a are within the 1-2a confidence interval if plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt confidence_intervals.sort() fig = plt.figure("2d_histogram_stereo", figsize=(18, 9)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(221, projection="stereonet") pcl1 = ax1.pcolormesh(lons_g, lats_g, count) ax1.contour( lons_g, lats_g, g, levels=confidence_intervals, zorder=2, cmap="jet" ) plt.colorbar(mappable=pcl1) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(222, projection="stereonet") pcl2 = ax2.pcolormesh(lons_g, lats_g, joint) ax2.contour( lons_g, lats_g, g, levels=confidence_intervals, zorder=2, cmap="jet" ) plt.colorbar(mappable=pcl2) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(223, projection="stereonet") pcl3 = ax3.pcolormesh(lons_g, lats_g, g) ax3.contour( lons_g, lats_g, g, levels=confidence_intervals, zorder=2, cmap="jet" ) plt.colorbar(mappable=pcl3) if return_count: return count, lons_g, lats_g, confidence_intervals else: return confidence_intervals
[docs]def angular_residual(stress_tensor, strikes, dips, rakes): """ Compute the angle between the direction of the resolved shear stress predicted by the stress tensor and the direction of slip given by the strike/dip/rake data. Parameters ------------ stress_tensor: (3, 3) numpy.ndarray The Cauchy stress tensor. strikes: (n_earthquakes) list or numpy.ndarray Fault strikes. dips: (n_earthquakes) list or numpy.ndarray Fault dips. rakes: (n_earthquakes) list or numpy.ndarray Fault rakes. Returns ---------- angles: (n_earthquakes) numpy.ndarray Angles between shear stress and slip. """ angles = np.zeros(len(strikes), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(len(strikes)): angles[i] = shear_slip_angle_difference( stress_tensor, strikes[i], dips[i], rakes[i] ) return angles
[docs]def aux_plane(s1, d1, r1): """ Get Strike and dip of second plane. Adapted from MATLAB script `bb.m <>`_ written by Andy Michael, Chen Ji and Oliver Boyd. Taken from <>. See Obspy project at <>. """ r2d = 180 / np.pi def _strike_dip(n, e, u): """ Finds strike and dip of plane given normal vector having components n, e, and u. Adapted from MATLAB script `bb.m <>`_ written by Andy Michael, Chen Ji and Oliver Boyd. """ r2d = 180 / np.pi if u < 0: n = -n e = -e u = -u strike = np.arctan2(e, n) * r2d strike = strike - 90 while strike >= 360: strike = strike - 360 while strike < 0: strike = strike + 360 x = np.sqrt(np.power(n, 2) + np.power(e, 2)) dip = np.arctan2(x, u) * r2d return (strike, dip) # modified by me: if r1 > 180.0: # convert rake between 0 and 360 # to rake between -180 and +180 r1 = r1 - 360.0 z = (s1 + 90) / r2d z2 = d1 / r2d z3 = r1 / r2d # slick vector in plane 1 sl1 = -np.cos(z3) * np.cos(z) - np.sin(z3) * np.sin(z) * np.cos(z2) sl2 = np.cos(z3) * np.sin(z) - np.sin(z3) * np.cos(z) * np.cos(z2) sl3 = np.sin(z3) * np.sin(z2) (strike, dip) = _strike_dip(sl2, sl1, sl3) n1 = np.sin(z) * np.sin(z2) # normal vector to plane 1 n2 = np.cos(z) * np.sin(z2) h1 = -sl2 # strike vector of plane 2 h2 = sl1 # note h3=0 always so we leave it out # n3 = np.cos(z2) z = h1 * n1 + h2 * n2 z = z / np.sqrt(h1 * h1 + h2 * h2) # we might get above 1.0 only due to floating point # precision. Clip for those cases. float64epsilon = 2.2204460492503131e-16 if 1.0 < abs(z) < 1.0 + 100 * float64epsilon: z = np.copysign(1.0, z) z = np.arccos(round_cos(z)) rake = 0 if sl3 > 0: rake = z * r2d if sl3 <= 0: rake = -z * r2d return strike % 360.0, dip, rake % 360.0
[docs]def check_right_handedness(basis): """ Make sure the matrix of column vectors forms a right-handed basis. This is particularly important when re-ordering the principal stress directions based on their eigenvalues. Parameters ----------- basis: (3, 3) numpy.ndarray Matrix with column vectors that form the basis of interest. Returns ---------- rh_basis: (3, 3) numpy.ndarray Matrix with column vectors that form the right-handed version of the input basis. One of the unit vectors might have been reversed in the process. """ vector1 = basis[:, 0] vector2 = basis[:, 1] vector3 = np.cross(vector1, vector2) return np.stack([vector1, vector2, vector3], axis=1)
[docs]def compute_traction(stress_tensor, normal): """Compute traction and its normal and shear components on a given plane. Parameters ----------- stress_tensor: (3, 3) numpy.ndarray Cauchy stress tensor. normal: (n_earthquakes, 3) numpy.ndarray Matrix of n_earthquakes row vectors of fault normals. Returns -------- traction: (n_earthquakes, 3) numpy.ndarray Tractions on the surfaces defined by normal. normal_traction: (n_earthquakes, 3) numpy.ndarray Normal component of the tractions. shear_traction: (n_earthquakes, 3) numpy.ndarray Tangential component of the tractions. """ traction =, normal.T).T normal_traction = np.sum(traction * normal, axis=-1)[:, np.newaxis] * normal shear_traction = traction - normal_traction return traction, normal_traction, shear_traction
[docs]def errors_in_data( strike, dip, rake, jack_strikes_1, jack_dips_1, jack_rakes_1, jack_strikes_2, jack_dips_2, jack_rakes_2, ): """ This routines was tailored for my applications. Use the multiple solutions obtained during the jackknife resampling of the focal mechanism inversion to compute the deviation of these multiple solutions from the best solution. A low deviation means a good quality focal mechanism. Because there are two possible slip vectors for each focal mechanism solution, we systematically look among the jackknife solutions 1 and 2 for the closest slip vector to the target vector, defined by (strike, dip, rake). We recommend to run this function for (strike, dip, rake)_1 and (strike, dip, rake)_2 of the best focal mechanism solution, and average the outputs. """ r2d = 180.0 / np.pi n_jackknife = len(jack_strikes_1) # slip vector from the best nodal plane _, slip_vector_best = normal_slip_vectors(strike, dip, rake) # slip vectors from the jackknife nodal planes slip_vectors = np.zeros((n_jackknife, 2, 3), dtype=np.float32) # angles between the jackknife slip vectors and the best slip vector # since it is ambiguous which of the planes are the fault planes, # we simply systematically compute the angle between both planes # and keep the lowest angle. slip_angles = np.zeros(n_jackknife, dtype=np.float32) for i in range(n_jackknife): _, slip_vectors[i, 0, :] = normal_slip_vectors( jack_strikes_1[i], jack_dips_1[i], jack_rakes_1[i] ) _, slip_vectors[i, 1, :] = normal_slip_vectors( jack_strikes_2[i], jack_dips_2[i], jack_rakes_2[i] ) # a little bit of clipping is necessary in case of numerical errors # putting the scalar products sligthly above or below +1/-1. scalar_prod1 = np.clip( np.sum(slip_vectors[:, 0, :] * slip_vector_best, axis=-1), -1.0, +1.0 ) scalar_prod2 = np.clip( np.sum(slip_vectors[:, 1, :] * slip_vector_best, axis=-1), -1.0, +1.0 ) angles_1 = np.arccos(scalar_prod1) angles_2 = np.arccos(scalar_prod2) abs_angles_1 = np.abs(np.arccos(scalar_prod1)) abs_angles_2 = np.abs(np.arccos(scalar_prod2)) slip_angles = np.minimum(abs_angles_1, abs_angles_2) * r2d mask1 = abs_angles_1 < abs_angles_2 slip_angles[mask1] *= np.sign(angles_1[mask1]) mask2 = abs_angles_2 <= abs_angles_1 slip_angles[mask2] *= np.sign(angles_2[mask2]) slip_vectors_ = np.zeros((n_jackknife, 3), dtype=np.float32) # get the closest slip vectors slip_vectors_[mask1, :] = slip_vectors[mask1, 0, :] slip_vectors_[mask2, :] = slip_vectors[mask2, 1, :] # we can now use the standard deviations on each of the # 3 components to estimate errors in the data and use # Tarantola and Valette formula dev_n = 1.42 * np.median(np.abs(slip_vectors_[:, 0] - slip_vector_best[0])) dev_w = 1.42 * np.median(np.abs(slip_vectors_[:, 1] - slip_vector_best[1])) dev_z = 1.42 * np.median(np.abs(slip_vectors_[:, 2] - slip_vector_best[2])) # for i in range(3): # plt.hist(slip_vectors_[:, i], bins=20) # plt.axvline(slip_vector_best[i], lw=2, color='C{:d}'.format(i)) # return dev_n, dev_w, dev_z
[docs]def get_bearing_plunge(u, degrees=True, hemisphere="lower"): """ The vectors are in the coordinate system (x1, x2, x3): x1: north x2: west x3: upward Parameters ----------- u: (3) numpy.ndarray or list Vector for which we want the bearing (azimuth) and plunge. degrees: boolean, default to True If True, returns bearing and plunge in degrees. In radians otherwise. hemisphere: string, default to 'lower' Consider the intersection of the line defined by u with the lower hemisphere if `hemisphere` is 'lower', or with the upper hemisphere if `hemisphere` is 'upper'. Returns --------- bearing: float Angle between the north and the line. plunge: float Angle between the horizontal plane and the line. """ r2d = 180.0 / np.pi if hemisphere == "lower" and u[2] > 0.0: # we need to consider the end of the line # that plunges downward and crosses the # lower hemisphere u = -1.0 * u elif hemisphere == "upper" and u[2] < 0.0: u = -1.0 * u # the trigonometric sense is the opposite of the azimuthal sense, # therefore we need a -1 multiplicative factor bearing = -1.0 * np.arctan2(u[1], u[0]) # the plunge is measured downward from the end of the # line specified by the bearing # this formula is valid for p_axis[2] < 0 plunge = np.arccos(round_cos(u[2])) - np.pi / 2.0 if hemisphere == "upper": plunge *= -1.0 if degrees: return (bearing * r2d) % 360.0, plunge * r2d else: return bearing, plunge
[docs]def kagan_angle(tensor1, tensor2): """ Compute the minimum rotation about *some* axis required to match the two tensors. This angle is a measure of their difference. Parameters ----------- tensor1: (3, 3) numpy.ndarray First tensor, e.g. moment or stress tensor. tensor2: (3, 3) numpy.ndarray Second tensor, e.g. moment of stress tensor. Returns -------- rotation_angle: scalar float Smallest angle, in degrees, required to superimpose the two tensors. """ theta = np.pi Rx = np.array( [ [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)], [0.0, np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)], ] ) # first, compute the eigendecomposition of each tensor using # the stress tensor eigendecomposition routine, i.e. that returns # the eigen values and vectors ordered from the most to least # compressive axes # make sure to do the change of basis from # (north, west, up) to (north, east, down) # eigval1, eigvec1 = stress_tensor_eigendecomposition( # eigval2, eigvec2 = stress_tensor_eigendecomposition( eigval1, eigvec1 = stress_tensor_eigendecomposition(tensor1) eigval2, eigvec2 = stress_tensor_eigendecomposition(tensor2) eigvec1 = check_right_handedness( np.stack([eigvec1[:, 2], eigvec1[:, 0], eigvec1[:, 1]], axis=1) ) eigvec2 = check_right_handedness( np.stack([eigvec2[:, 2], eigvec2[:, 0], eigvec2[:, 1]], axis=1) ) # second, compute the rotation matrix that takes one basis to the other R12 =, eigvec2) # compute the quaternion associated with this rotation matrix q = quaternion(R12[:, 0], R12[:, 1], R12[:, 2]) # the minimum angle about some axis to superimpose the two # input tensors is: min_angle = np.arccos(round_cos(np.max(np.abs(q)))) return 2.0 * np.rad2deg(min_angle)
[docs]def mean_angular_residual(stress_tensor, strikes, dips, rakes): """ Mean of the absolute value of the angles returned by angular_residual. See angular_residual for more info. """ return np.mean(np.abs(angular_residual(stress_tensor, strikes, dips, rakes)))
[docs]def mean_kagan_angle(strikes, dips, rakes, strike0=None, dip0=None, rake0=None): """Computes the mean kagan angle as a measure of dispersion. The mean kagan angle within a population of focal mechanisms described by strikes/dips/rakes. If strike0, dip0, and rake0 are specified, then the mean kagan angle is computed not from all pairs of focal mechanisms, but only between all focal mechanisms and the reference focal mechanism described by strike0/dip0/rake0. The mean kagan angle can be interpreted as a measure of dispersion within the population. Parameters ----------- strikes: numpy.ndarray or list, float Strikes of the moment tensors. dips: numpy.ndarray or list, float Dips of the moment tensors. rakes: numpy.ndarray or list, float Rakes of the moment tensors. strike0: scalar, float, default to None Strike of the reference moment tensor. dip0: scalar, float, default to None Dip of the reference moment tensor. rake0: scalar, float, default to None Rake of the reference moment tensor. Returns -------- mean_angle: scalar, float Mean kagan angle between the moment tensors given as input. """ from functools import partial mts = np.zeros((len(strikes), 3, 3), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(len(strikes)): mts[i, ...] = strike_dip_rake_to_mt(strikes[i], dips[i], rakes[i]) if strike0 is not None: mt0 = strike_dip_rake_to_mt(strike0, dip0, rake0) angles = list(map(partial(kagan_angle, mt0), mts)) else: angles = sum( [ list(map(partial(kagan_angle, mts[i, ...]), mts)) for i in range(mts.shape[0]) ], [], ) return np.mean(np.asarray(angles))
[docs]def normal_slip_vectors(strike, dip, rake, direction="inward"): """ Determine the normal and the slip vectors of the focal mechanism defined by (strike, dip, rake). From Stein and Wysession 2002. N.B.: This is the normal of the FOOT WALL and the slip of the HANGING WALL w.r.t the foot wall. It means that the normal is an inward-pointing normal for the hanging wall, and an outward pointing-normal for the foot wall. The vectors are in the coordinate system (x1, x2, x3): x1: north x2: west x3: upward Parameters ------------ strike: float Strike of the fault. dip: float Dip of the fault. rake: float Rake of the fault. direction: string, default to 'inward' If 'inward', returns the inward normal of the HANGING wall, which is the formula given in Stein and Wysession. Equivalently, this is the outward normal of the foot wall. If 'outward', returns the outward normal of the HANGING wall, or, equivalently, the inward normal of the hanging wall. Returns ----------- n: (3) numpy.ndarray The fault normal. d: (3) numpy.ndarray The slip vector given as the direction of motion of the hanging wall w.r.t. the foot wall. """ d2r = np.pi / 180.0 strike = strike * d2r dip = dip * d2r rake = rake * d2r n = np.array( [-np.sin(dip) * np.sin(strike), -np.sin(dip) * np.cos(strike), np.cos(dip)] ) if direction == "inward": # this formula already gives the inward-pointing # normal of the hanging wall pass elif direction == "outward": n *= -1.0 else: print('direction should be either "inward" or "outward"') return # slip on the hanging wall d = np.array( [ np.cos(rake) * np.cos(strike) + np.sin(rake) * np.cos(dip) * np.sin(strike), -np.cos(rake) * np.sin(strike) + np.sin(rake) * np.cos(dip) * np.cos(strike), np.sin(rake) * np.sin(dip), ] ) return n, d
[docs]def principal_faults(stress_tensor, friction_coefficient): """ Compute the orientation of the most unstable fault planes given a stress tensor and a coefficient of friction. These faults are called the principal faults. Parameters ----------- stress_tensor: (3, 3) numpy.ndarray Cauchy stress tensor. friction_coefficient: scalar float Coefficient of friction used for the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. Returns --------- n1: (3, 1) numpy.ndarray Normal of the first principal faults. n2: (3, 1) numpy.ndarray Normal of the second principal faults. The two faults form a pair of conjugate faults. """ # first, compute the angle between sigma 1 and the normal # of the most unstable plane lbd = np.pi / 4.0 + 1.0 / 2.0 * np.arctan(friction_coefficient) # the coordinates of the fault normal in the eigenbasis is: n1 = np.array([np.cos(lbd), 0.0, np.sin(lbd)]) n2 = np.array([np.cos(lbd), 0.0, np.sin(-1.0 * lbd)]) # compute the eigenbasis principal_sig, principal_dir = stress_tensor_eigendecomposition(stress_tensor) n1 =, n1[:, np.newaxis]) n2 =, n2[:, np.newaxis]) return n1, n2
[docs]def p_t_b_axes(normal, slip): """ Determine the P (most compressive), T (least compressive) and B (intermediate, or neutral axis) axes from the normal and the slip vectors, following Stein and Wysession 2002, Section 4.5.2. (P, T, B) forms an orthogonal basis. The vectors are in the coordinate system (x1, x2, x3): x1: north x2: west x3: upward """ p = normal - slip p /= np.sqrt(np.sum(p**2)) t = normal + slip t /= np.sqrt(np.sum(t**2)) b = np.cross(normal, slip) b /= np.sqrt(np.sum(b**2)) return p, t, b
[docs]def quaternion(t, p, b): """ Formula of quaternion of rotation matrix with `t` (least compressive), `p` (most compressive), `b` (neutral) components expressed in the (north, east, down) frame of reference. `t`, `p`, `b` can equivalently be the sigma_3, sigma_1, sigma_2 components. Make sure (`t`, `p`, `b`) form a right-handed basis. This routine was copied from the _tpb2q routine of the Pyrocko Python project (see at Parameters ----------- t: (3,) numpy.ndarray or list p: (3,) numpy.ndarray or list b: (3,) numpy.ndarray or list Returns -------- quaternion: (4,) numpy.ndarray The quaternion that represents the rotation represented by the matrix (t, p, b), where t, p, b are column vectors. """ eps = 0.0001 x1, x2, x3 = np.float64(t), np.float64(p), np.float64(b) q0 = 1.0 + x1[0] + x2[1] + x3[2] q1 = 1.0 + x1[0] - x2[1] - x3[2] q2 = 1.0 - x1[0] + x2[1] - x3[2] q3 = 1.0 - x1[0] - x2[1] + x3[2] q = np.zeros(4, dtype=np.float64) if q0 > eps: q[0] = 0.5 * np.sqrt(q0) q[1] = x2[2] - x3[1] q[2] = x3[0] - x1[2] q[3] = x1[1] - x2[0] elif q1 > eps: q[0] = 0.5 * np.sqrt(q1) q[1] = x2[2] - x3[1] q[2] = x2[0] + x1[1] q[3] = x3[0] + x1[2] elif q2 > eps: q[0] = 0.5 * np.sqrt(q2) q[1] = x3[0] - x1[2] q[2] = x2[0] + x1[1] q[3] = x3[1] + x2[2] elif q3 > eps: q[0] = 0.5 * np.sqrt(q3) q[1] = x1[1] - x2[0] q[2] = x3[0] + x1[2] q[3] = x3[1] + x2[2] else: print("Could not find the lowest component!") sys.exit(0) # normalize the components of the quaternion q[1:] /= 4.0 * q[0] q /= np.sqrt(np.sum(q**2)) return q
[docs]def R_(principal_stresses): """ Computes the shape ratio R=(sig1-sig2)/(sig1-sig3). Parameters ----------- pinricpal_stresses: numpy.ndarray or list Contains the three eigenvalues of the stress tensor ordered such that: `principal_stresses[0]` < `principal_stresses[1]` < `principal_stresses[2]` with `principal_stresses[0]` being the most compressional stress. Returns --------- shape_ratio: scalar float """ return (principal_stresses[0] - principal_stresses[1]) / ( principal_stresses[0] - principal_stresses[2] )
[docs]def rotation(axis, angle): """Compute the rotation matrix about axis with angle `angle`. Parameters ------------ axis: (3) numpy.ndarray, float Axis about which the rotation is computed. angle: scalar, float Angle, in degrees, of the rotation. Returns -------- R: (3, 3) numpy.ndarray, float Rotation matrix of angle `angle` degrees about `axis`. """ x1, x2, x3 = axis a = angle * np.pi / 180.0 # build the rotation matrix ca, sa = np.cos(a), np.sin(a) R = np.array( [ [ ca + x1**2 * (1.0 - ca), x1 * x2 * (1.0 - ca) - x3 * sa, x1 * x3 * (1.0 - ca) + x2 * sa, ], [ x1 * x2 * (1.0 - ca) + x3 * sa, ca + x2**2 * (1.0 - ca), x2 * x3 * (1.0 - ca) - x1 * sa, ], [ x1 * x3 * (1.0 - ca) - x2 * sa, x2 * x3 * (1.0 - ca) + x1 * sa, ca + x3**2 * (1.0 - ca), ], ] ) return R
[docs]def random_rotation(max_angle=360.0): """Generate a random rotation matrix. Generate a random rotation matrix by: 1) Generate a random unit vector in 3D. 2) Generate a random rotation angle between 0 and max_angle (degrees) Parameters ------------ max_angle: scalar float, default to 360 Upper bound of the uniform distribution from which the rotation angle is randomly drawn. Returns -------- R: (3, 3) numpy.ndarray Rotation matrix. """ x1, x2, x3 = np.random.uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0, size=3) dir_ = np.array([x1, x2, x3]) # normalize dir_ /= np.linalg.norm(dir_, 2) # draw the angle a = max_angle * np.random.random() R = rotation(dir_, a) return R
[docs]def reduced_stress_tensor(principal_directions, R): """ Computes a normalized stress tensor where the most and least compressive principal stresses are set to -1 and +1, respectively, and the intermediate stress is determined by the shape ratio. Parameters ----------- principal_directions: (3, 3) numpy.ndarray. The three eigenvectors of the stress tensor, stored in a matrix as column vectors and ordered from most compressive (sigma1) to least compressive (sigma3). The direction of sigma_i is given by: `principal_directions[:, i]`. R: float The shape ratio (sig1 - sig2)/(sig1 - sig3). Returns ---------- stress_tensor: (3, 3) numpy.ndarray The stress tensor built from the principal directions and the shape ratio. """ sig1 = -1.0 sig2 = 2.0 * R - 1.0 sig3 = +1 Sigma = np.diag(np.array([sig1, sig2, sig3])) Sigma /= np.sqrt(np.sum(Sigma**2)) # make sure the principal directions form a right-handed basis principal_directions = check_right_handedness(principal_directions) stress_tensor =,, principal_directions.T)) return stress_tensor
[docs]def round_cos(x): """Clip x so that it fits with the [-1,1] interval. If x is slightly outside the [-1,1] because of numerical imprecision, x is rounded, and can then be safely passed to arccos or arcsin. If x is truly outside of [-1,1], x is returned unchanged. Parameters ----------- x: scalar, float Float variable that represents a cos or sin that is supposed to be within the [-1,1] interval. Returns ----------- x_r: scalar, float A rounded version of x, if necessary. """ if (abs(x) > 1.0) and (abs(x) < 1.005): return 1.0 * np.sign(x) else: return x
[docs]def stress_tensor_eigendecomposition(stress_tensor): """Compute the eigendecomposition of stress tensor. Parameters ----------- stress_tensor: (3, 3) numpy.ndarray. The stress tensor for which to solve the eigenvalue problem. Returns ----------- principal_stresses: (3,) numpy.ndarray. The three eigenvalues of the stress tensor, ordered from most compressive (sigma1) to least compressive (sigma3). principal_directions: (3, 3) numpy.ndarray. The three eigenvectors of the stress tensor, stored in a matrix as column vectors and ordered from most compressive (sigma1) to least compressive (sigma3). The direction of sigma_i is given by: `principal_directions[:, i]`. """ try: principal_stresses, principal_directions = np.linalg.eigh(stress_tensor) except LinAlgError: print(stress_tensor) sys.exit() # order = np.argsort(principal_stresses)[::-1] order = np.argsort(principal_stresses) # reorder from most compressive to most extensional # with tension positive convention # (note: principal_directions is the matrix a column-eigenvectors) principal_stresses = principal_stresses[order] principal_directions = check_right_handedness(principal_directions[:, order]) return principal_stresses, principal_directions
[docs]def strike_dip_rake(n, d): """ Invert the relationships between strike/dip/rake and normal (n) and slip (d) vectors found in Stein. n and d are required to be given as the default format returned by normal_slip_vectors. Parameters ----------- n: (3) numpy.ndarray The outward pointing normal of the FOOT wall. d: (3) numpy.ndarray The slip direction of the hanging wall w.r.t. the foot wall. Returns --------- strike: float Strike of the fault, in degress. dip: float Dip of the fault, in degrees. rake: float Rake of the fault, in degrees. """ r2d = 180.0 / np.pi # ---------------- # dip is straightforward: dip = np.arccos(round_cos(n[2])) sin_dip = np.sin(dip) if sin_dip != 0.0: # ---------------- # strike is more complicated because it spans 0-360 degrees sin_strike = -n[0] / sin_dip cos_strike = -n[1] / sin_dip strike = np.arctan2(sin_strike, cos_strike) # --------------- # rake is even more complicated sin_rake = d[2] / sin_dip cos_rake = (d[0] - sin_rake * np.cos(dip) * sin_strike) / cos_strike rake = np.arctan2(sin_rake, cos_rake) else: print("Dip is zero! The strike and rake cannot be determined") # the solution is ill-defined, we can only # determine rake - strike cos_rake_m_strike = d[0] sin_rake_m_strike = d[1] rake_m_strike = np.arctan2(sin_rake_m_strike, cos_rake_m_strike) # fix arbitrarily the rake to zero rake = 0.0 strike = -rake_m_strike return (strike * r2d) % 360.0, dip * r2d, (rake * r2d) % 360.0
[docs]def strike_dip_rake_to_mt(strike, dip, rake): """Compute the *normalized* moment tensor described by strike/dip/rake. Parameters ----------- strike: scalar, float Strike of the input focal mechanism. dip: scalar, float Dip of the input focal mechanism. rake: scalar, float Rake of the input focal mechanism. Returns --------- mt: (3, 3) numpy.ndarray, float Normalized moment tensor. Its columns are the (p, b, t) axes. Note: we return (p, b, t) to be consistent with our stress tensor convention (sig1, sig2, sig3). """ # first, compute the normal and slip vectors n, d = normal_slip_vectors(strike, dip, rake) # second, compute the t, p, b axes p, t, b = p_t_b_axes(n, d) # build a matrix with columns (p b t) and make sure these form # a right-handed basis, this is the eigenbasis of the moment tensor U = check_right_handedness(np.stack([p, b, t], axis=1)) # build the matrix of eigenvalues (a double-couple is a deviatoric # moment tensor with determinant = 0, see Tape and Tape 2012) Lambda = np.array( [[-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, +1.0]], dtype=np.float32 ) mt = mt /= np.sqrt(np.sum(mt**2)) return mt
[docs]def shear_slip_angle_difference(stress_tensor, strike, dip, rake): """ Return the angle difference between the slip vector from the focal mechanism solution and the shear traction on the fault determined from the inverted stress tensor. Given that the stress inversion is made under the Wallace-Bott assumption, shear stress on the fault is parallel to slip, then this angle difference is a measure of misfit. Parameters ----------- stress_tensor: (3, 3) numpy.ndarray The Cauchy stress tensor. strike: float Strike of the fault. dip: float Dip of the fault. rake: float Rake of the fault. Returns ----------- angle: float The angle between shear stress and slip, in degrees. """ # first, get the normal and slip vectors corresponding # to (strike, dip, rake) n, d = normal_slip_vectors(strike, dip, rake, direction="inward") n = n.reshape(1, -1) # make sure it's a row vector # second, compute the shear stress on the fault traction, normal_traction, shear_traction = compute_traction(stress_tensor, n) shear_dir = shear_traction / np.sqrt(np.sum(shear_traction**2)) # the angle difference is the Arccos(dot product) angle = np.arccos(round_cos(np.sum(d.squeeze() * shear_dir.squeeze()))) # return the result in degrees return angle * 180.0 / np.pi