Python bindings for the fast_matched_filter C libraries
- copyright:
William B. Frank and Eric Beauce
- license:
GNU General Public License, Version 3 (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html)
- fast_matched_filter.fast_matched_filter.matched_filter(templates, moveouts, weights, data, step, n_samples_template=None, arch='cpu', check_zeros='first', normalize='short', network_sum=True)[source]
Compute the correlation coefficients between templates and data.
Scan the continuous waveforms data with the template waveforms templates given the relative propagation times moveouts and compute a time series of summed correlation coefficients. The weighted sum is defined by weights. Try normalize=’full’ and/or arch=’precise’ or ‘gpu’ to achieve better numerical precision.
- Parameters:
templates (numpy.ndarray) – 4D (n_templates, n_stations, n_channels, n_tp_samples) or 3D (n_templates, n_traces, n_tp_samples) numpy.ndarray with the template waveforms.
moveouts (numpy.ndarray, int) – 3D (n_templates, n_stations, n_channels) or 2D (n_templates, n_stations) numpy.ndarray with the moveouts, in samples.
weights (numpy.ndarray, float) – 3D (n_templates, n_stations, n_channels) or 2D (n_stations, n_channels) numpy.ndarray with the channel weights. For a given template, the largest possible correlation coefficient is given by the sum of the weights. Make sure that the weights sum to one if you want CCs between 1 and -1.
data (numpy.ndarray) – 3D (n_stations, n_channels, n_samples) or 2D (n_traces, n_samples) numpy.ndarray with the continuous waveforms.
step (scalar, int) – Time interval, in samples, between consecutive correlations.
n_samples_template (numpy.ndarray or None, optional) – If not None, it must be a numpy.ndarray with same shape as moveouts. Each element is the length, in samples, of the template waveform at a given channel. Note that, for now, if n_samples_template is not None, the arch key-word argument must be “variable_precise”. Defaults to None.
arch (string, optional) –
One of “cpu”, “precise”, “variable_precise” or “gpu”.
”cpu”: CPU implementation with optimized algorithm to compute the denominator in the correlation coefficient.
”precise”: CPU implementation with non optimized but more accurate algorithm to compute the denominator in the correlation coefficient. This option might be useful when dealing with very large amplitude waveforms.
”variable_precise”: CPU implementation similar to “precise” but also allows to use variable template lengths at every channel.
”gpu”: GPU implementation.
check_zeros (string, optional) –
Controls the verbosity level at the end of this routine when checking zeros in the time series of correlation coefficients (CCs).
False: No messages.
’first’: Check zeros on the first template’s CCs (recommended).
’all’: Check zeros on each template’s CCs. It can be useful for
troubleshooting but in general this would print too many messages. Default is ‘first’.
normalize (string, optional) –
Either “short” or “full”.
”full”: Slow but removes the mean of the data at every correlation.
”short”: This is the original implementation. When using normalize=”short”,
the templates and the data sliding windows must have zero means (high-pass filter the data if necessary).
network_sum (boolean, optional) – If True, returns the weighted sum of correlation coefficients across the station network. If False, returns the correlation coefficients for each channel. Defaults to True.
- Returns:
cc – If network_sum=True, 2D (n_templates, n_correlations) numpy.ndarray. If network_sum=False, 4D (n_templates, n_stations, n_components, n_correlations) numpy.ndarray. The number of correlations is controlled by step.
- Return type:
numpy.ndarray, float
- fast_matched_filter.fast_matched_filter.test_matched_filter(n_templates=1, n_stations=1, n_components=1, template_duration=10, data_duration=86400, sampling_rate=100, step=1, arch='cpu', check_zeros='first', normalize='short', network_sum=True)[source]
Test the matched_filter function.
Generate random data, templates, and moveouts, and run a matched-filter search. The templates are sliced from the data, therefore the maximum correlation coefficient should always be one if the program ran normally. Try normalize=’full’ and/or arch=’precise’ or ‘gpu’ to achieve better numerical precision.
- Parameters:
n_templates (scalar, int, optional) – Number of synthetic templates. Default to 1.
n_stations (scalar, int, optional) – Number of stations. Default to 1.
n_components (scalar, int, optional) – Number of components/channels. Default to 1.
template_duration (scalar, float, optional) – Duration, in seconds, of the template waveforms. Default to 10s.
data_duration (scalar, float, optional) – Duration, in seconds, of the data waveforms. Default to 86400s.
sampling_rate (scalar, float, optional) – Sampling frequency (Hz) of the waveforms. Default to 100Hz.
step (scalar, int) – Time interval, in samples, between consecutive correlations.
arch (string, optional) – One ‘cpu’, ‘precise’ or ‘gpu’. The ‘precise’ implementation is a CPU implementation that slower but more accurate than ‘cpu’. The GPU implementation is used if arch=’gpu’. Default is ‘cpu’.
check_zeros (string, optional) –
Controls the verbosity level at the end of this routine when checking zeros in the time series of correlation coefficients (CCs).
False: No messages.
’first’: Check zeros on the first template’s CCs (recommended).
’all’: Check zeros on each template’s CCs. It can be useful for
troubleshooting but in general this would print too many messages.
Default is ‘first’.
normalize (string, optional) – Either “short” or “full” - full is slower but removes the mean of the data at every correlation. Short is the original implementation. NB: When using normalize=”short”, the templates and the data sliding windows must have zero means (high-pass filter the data if necessary).
network_sum (boolean, default to True) – If True, returns the weighted sum of correlation coefficients across the station network. If False, returns the correlation coefficients for each channel.
- Returns:
templates (numpy.ndarray) – (n_templates, n_stations, n_components, n_tp_samples) numpy.ndarray with the random template waveforms generated by the function.
moveouts (numpy.ndarray) – (n_templates, n_stations, n_components) numpy.ndarray with the random moveouts generated by the function.
data (numpy.ndarray) – (n_stations, n_components, n_samples) numpy.ndarray with the random data generated by the function.
step (scalar, int) – Time interval, in samples, between consecutive correlations.
cc_sums (numpy.ndarray, float) – 2D (n_templates, n_correlations) numpy.ndarray. The number of correlations is controlled by step.
run_time (scalar, float) – Time spent by FMF to compute the correlation coefficients.